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How to Enjoy the Newness of Life

It is crucial that you understand what the newness of life is all about because abuse will unavoidably happen if the purpose of a thing is unknown. What is the newness of life? It is the life that God gives his children after they are born again. It is like a seed, or, say, the word of God, that is sown in the heart of the person who believes in God. The seed should germinate, and as it grows, the tree, or, say, the man, flourishes. But how does the seed then germinate and grow? It is through the consistent application of God’s word. In 1 Peter 2:2, the Bible teaches that, as newborn babies, you should desire the sincere milk of the word, that you may grow thereby.

You will enjoy the newness of life by studying God's word

In addition, the newness of life referred to here is for the person who has submitted themselves to God. It is the promised life that Jesus wants to give to the man who will dare to believe in him. Simply put, it is the higher life in Christ that culminates in your reigning in eternity with God. It gives the believer access to God. And it is through the new birth that the Holy Spirit can guide the child of God.

The new birth is only for those who are in Christ Jesus. It starts when a sinner surrenders themselves to God. It is only after you become born again that you can partake in it. So how do you enjoy the newness of life? First and foremost, you must obey God’s word and walk righteously. You must make up your mind to walk in holiness. Holiness is simply obeying and pleasing God in all things at all times.

God’s Word is reliable and trustworthy. The words of God contained in the Bible are not ordinary. God’s word is true, and it has the power to deliver the captive and to transform lives. In the midst of crises and difficulties, the Word of God has something for anyone who dares to believe in Jesus. You can only enjoy the newness of life if you obey the word of God. Have you surrendered your life to Jesus? If you have not, then do so because a miracle is waiting for you if you will call upon the name of the Lord in faith.

Can one enjoy the newness of life? Ofcourse yes! The only reason most believers don’t enjoy the newness of life is because they’re faithless. And the faithlessness is the result of Satan’s deceptions. The devil, being very subtle, has devised a means of scuttling the plans that God has for his children. He makes the believer sin so that they will be separated from God. Knowing that God despises sin and that allowing you to continue in sin can prevent you from enjoying the benefits that come with Jesus’ new birth. So the only way to enjoy the benefits of your salvation is to live in holiness. In Proverbs 14:34, we read, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”

Walking in Holiness

How, then, do you walk in holiness? Our God is holy; he doesn’t like sin. The Bible says that his eyes are too holy to behold iniquity. He expects you and me to walk in holiness. To walk in holiness, you must make a conscious effort to serve God in spirit and in truth. You will have a strong desire to serve God in accordance with the Scriptures. God gave you the desire the moment you surrendered your life to Christ. If you allow him to lead you, the Holy Spirit who lives within you will assist you in walking in holiness. 

See what God says in Isaiah 55:1–2: Come, all ye who thirst, and all ye who have no money; come, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. So why do you spend money on things that aren’t bread? and your labour for that which does not satisfy? Hear diligently from me, and eat that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.

From the above-mentioned scripture, it is evident that you cannot enjoy the newness of life outside of Christ. If your soul delights in fatness, you will stay close to God at all times. It is not possible for you to walk in holiness outside of Christ. Allow the Spirit of God to lead you; it is then that you can have access to the Father, and he will bless you.

5 Steps to Enjoying the Newness of Life

  1. You must be intentional about serving God acceptably.
  2. Study the word of God with an open mind, and allow the Spirit of God to use the word inside you to guide you.
  3. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you to enjoy the newness of life. “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God,” says Romans 8:14.
  4. Talk to God in prayer. Praying to God without ceasing helps you grow spiritually. If you pray, God will reveal his plans to you. And he can do this in different ways. You get intuition on what to do from the Spirit of God that is inside of you. You just know things through the Holy Ghost because your lifestyle of prayer has paved a way for you to the Father.
  5. Have faith in the Word of God and continue in it. Do not get to a level where you become complacent with the things of God. Be like the apostle Paul, whom the Holy Ghost told in Philippians 3:13. “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before.”

If you really want to enjoy the newness of life, I urge you to press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. This was what the apostle Paul did, and the Lord rewarded him for his obedience by using him mightily as evidence in the Scriptures. These are the words of Jesus to a man who promised to follow him after bidding his family goodbye in Luke 9:62: No man putting his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.

If you want to reap the rewards of the new birth, be holy, because God is holy. As many as are in Christ Jesus, therefore, be thus minded; and if you are otherwise minded in anything, God will reveal it to you. And if he does reveal things to you, do what you’re told, and then God will reveal more things to you, and you can enjoy the newness of life.

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