The Gift of God Is Eternal Life

God Will Lead You to the Right Path

God will lead you to the right path if you want Him to. It is an act of obedience to take God at His word. Remember, the reward of obedience is for you. So, allow God to lead you, and you will spend eternity with him.

Do you know that life on earth is supposed to be lived to the glory of God? Yes, this is true; you ought to live a life that brings praise to God. So, are you living the kind of life that delights God? If you aren’t, I want you to consider your ways now and shun sin.

Sin destroys, but righteousness exalts a nation. The pleasure that comes with sin is temporal, but the blessing of righteous living is eternal. Satan knows this, which is why he is working hard to mislead the sinner to eternal damnation.

However, today, God is asking you to give a thought to your life. Does your way of life honor him? The expectation is that you will manifest God’s glory in this world so that when sinners see your work, they will glorify your heavenly father.

If you choose to go the way of sinners, know that the consequence is severe. It is not God’s intent that any human being should perish in the eternal flames of hell, but that all should come to him through Jesus Christ.

I want you to give some thought to this question: “Does your life honor God?” If the answer is yes, glory be to God. If not, I implore you to surrender your life to God. Ask him to come into your life to save you.

Pray in the name of Jesus, and God will reveal Himself to you. He will help you because God is in the business of saving men from their sin. Allow God to lead you to the right path if you haven’t done that already.

Please note that heaven is real, and hell is real as well. So if you’re going to be taken in by the devil, you had better take this opportunity and return to God right now. Make peace with God so that you can live.

God wants to redeem you. Yes, he wants to save you because he loves you. I sincerely hope that you will connect with your maker as you read this piece.

Have you made peace with yourself yet? Do you accept Jesus Christ as your savior? Salvation is in the name of Jesus alone. To answer yes to these questions, you must profess Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12. 
"But if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins. John 8:24." 

My prayer for you is that you make a decision to follow God. Let him lead you all the days of your life, for in him lies the true life that you seek.

God will lead you to the right path because nobody cares more about your success than Him. His wish for you is that you will prosper.

I am sure that you are tired of living your life the way you do. Therefore, my earnest desire is that you surrender your to Christ. In order to overcome that obstacle in your life, you must submit yourself to God first.

I pray that you are able to find answers to the concerns that are troubling you. Your return to God, who made you in his image and likeness, is something I want to see happen.

God loves you, and he wants to see you succeed more than anyone else. Nonetheless, to start a relationship with God, you must first of all be born again.

Come to Jesus now. Hear me: Until you go back to the Creator to learn why He created you, life on Earth will have no meaning. And the only way for you to reach God is through his Son, Jesus.

God is a Spirit, and so those who worship him must do so in spirit and in truth. There is no way you can save yourself from the judgment that is to come if you choose not to surrender your life to Jesus. If you are going to start a relationship with Him right now, please do.

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