Obedience Is Better Than SacrificeThe Gift of God Is Eternal Life

Are You Aware That God Loves You?

God loves you just the way He made you. What you don’t realize is that God’s love abounds for you, regardless of your sins. God is ever willing to reach out to you, to receive you, and to embrace you just the way you are. He doesn’t care what you did or whether you are worse off than others. Man will give up on you because of your failings, but God will not. Beloved, God loves you, and he wants to embrace you today. Why not come to Jesus to enjoy the promised peace that is in Him? What is stopping you?

God loves you

Hear what God is saying to you and me: “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, “For your sake, we are killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.” Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:35-39)

From the above Bible verses, God is reinforcing that nothing should stop you from following Jesus. Nothing in the world should hinder you from coming to God. There is nothing too hard for God to do, and your case is not an exception. Make up your mind to follow God. According to the Bible, to obey is better than to sacrifice.

The Parable of the Prodigal Son

One day, Jesus gave a parable concerning how God views and values relationships. If our earthly father would welcome a prodigal son who lavished, squandered with his wayward friends, a part of his inheritance when he approached his father to give him a portion of his inheritance so that he will leave to anywhere of his choice to start a new life, the father listened to him and gave him his blessings, and afterward this young man traveled to a far country to begin his new life.

But on getting there, he associated himself with the wrong people and began to live a bad life. Eventually, he lost everything. The son of a rich man had no money to feed anymore. Instead of staying hungry one day, he decided to take up a job as someone who minds swine (pigs). Guess what? This young man fed on swine food. You can imagine that. Then one day he decided to take away his pride by returning to his father and asking for forgiveness. ( Luke 15:11–32)

Your Redemption is in Christ Jesus

He asked himself a very important question that I will like to call the “Turning Point” kind of question. He said, “How many of my father’s servants are well fed?” Of course they can’t be feeding on swine food! Then he made the decision to go back to daddy and beg forgiveness. His intention was to return home and see whether his father would forgive him and allow him to become one of his well-fed servants; at least these servants are well dressed, fed, and have good comfort.

But hear something; the Bible records that while he was still afar off, the father sighted him from a roof top, and on discovering that it was his son who had left to join the squanderers, he ran down to embrace this child of his, not minding what he had done earlier.

In fact, he instructed that the son be redressed to befit his family status, and he asked that the fattest calf be slaughtered for him. The father, in essence, called for celebration for a prodigal son whom he once lost and was always hoping that the child would get back to his senses and return home.

God loves you more than you can know.

Did you learn anything from the above parable? Now, this is how God wants you to return home today. If your earthly father knows how to give good gifts, how much more does God, who is the giver of all good and perfect gifts without any shadow of turning or variableness? God is waiting for you to return. Worry less about what you have done in the past. According to the Bible, there is greater joy in heaven for one soul who repents than for ninety-nine who do not need to repent. Listen to me: God values relationships.


He wants you saved. God will wipe away your sin in a split second if you will sincerely repent and turn to Him. Jesus loves you. God does not want you to perish in sin. Return today; delaying to give your life to Christ might be dangerous. Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow, and neither do you. However, one thing is certain: those who are in Christ can rest assured that God will keep them. He will preserve their souls. How about you? Don’t delay your salvation any longer, because Jesus is waiting for you to come. to call upon him.

Moreover, the Bible teaches that you should serve the Lord in the days of your youth before the difficult days come and you say you have no pleasure in them (in the kind of life that you’re living now). If you are not born again, there will come a time when you will despise your current way of life. However, are you sure that you will live to see that day? No one knows tomorrow. The reason why God is asking you to repent today is because tomorrow may be too late.

Are you ready to give your life to Christ? If yes, say this prayer after me and mean it. God bless you as you harken to this teaching and take the right decision for you. Jesus is waiting to receive you. Hear me: Today, Jesus is at the door of your heart, waiting to see what decision you will make. Don’t miss this opportunity. Give Christ your life so that you can live the victorious life that God planned for you before you were born. 

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